Monday, April 23, 2012

Baseball Cookies

I made these cookies for Christian's team.  He is an Angel! They are so easy to make!

I always package them individually. They are easier to handout in little individual bags.

Make your favorite sugar recipe (or use one of mine) and roll out the dough out and cut out circles. I use a round cookie cutter but if you don't have a round cookie cutter use a glass or cup and cut around the glass with a sharp knife.

Once the cookies have cooled you can frost them. I just used some white cookie frosting by Wilton that hardens in about an hour. I just picked up a couple tubes of the frosting at my local Ralph's but I have also noticed that they carry it at Michael's and Party City.

After the white frosting is nice and hard - you can add the red stitching.

I melted some red chocolate chips from Michael's and put the melted red chocolate in a zipper top bag - squeezing and the melted red chocolate down to the end of the bag and snip a very small hole. Then start making your red stitching.

Once everything is dry you can package them in little bags and tie with red ribbon. Note: these don't need to be perfect - the boys eat these in 3 seconds flat!

Of course I had to put these in one of my baseball baskets!

I also found some baseball bracelet kits that I put in the little blue baseball tin - I am going to bring the bracelet kits for the little sisters of the boys on the team! I also wrapped an oatmeal container in baseball wrapping paper and I am going to use that for a project next week!

Let's go Angels!

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