Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cake Balls

Cake balls are super simple to make although they are quite time consuming.

First bake a cake use a mix or from scratch it doesn't really matter. Bake your favorite kind of cake carrot, lemon chocolate etc. I baked a white cake.

Wait until the cake cools a little - then crumble the cake in a large bowl into a million crumbled pieces.

Now stir a can of frosting into the crumbled cake mixture. If you like to make your own frosting you will need two cups of homemade frosting.

Throughly combine the frosting and crumbled cake mixture. Put some plastic wrap over the top of the bowl and place in the freezer for an hour or two.

Now roll the mixture into small balls about the size of a truffle. Each cake mix should make between 85 -100 cake balls. You can place the rolled balls on a cookie sheet and place them back into the freezer while you melt the chocolate and decide what sprinkles you want to use.

Once you have melted the chocolate - lay out some parchment paper. Now dip the cake balls into the melted chocolate and quickly add the sprinkles.

Don't these look festive?

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